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His bike had been wrecked,
His mind in a mess,
One bone slightly cracked,
Then he blacked out I guess.

Laying in the long grass,
What could he do,
He wasn’t in his class,
As he lay in the morning dew.

Ten minutes had past,
As he lay in the cold,
Then he heard a loud blast,
And his body rolled.

Where was he now,
He didn’t seem to know,
It came from a cow,
With a really big toe.

“Welcome Master Supremacy,
Where glad you’ve come,
Even though there’s no leniency,
You can help everyone”.

The cow spoke to him,
In a really squeaky voice,
Which is no sin,
Yet he hadn’t a choice.

His body was sore,
Due to his fall,
Then the cow spoke some more,
Standing there tall.

“Look Master it’s true,
This may come as a shock,
But we all need you,
To be as solid as a rock.

You are our Master,
Who we all adore,
And no matter the disaster,
You’ll always want more.

Yet you got to learn,
The special powers you hold,
To make that U-turn,
In life that’s pure gold.

So don’t be afraid my friend,
We have a safe place for you,
So you can surely mend,
And learn your powers too”.

“What are you on about?
This is just a dream”.
Master Supremacy began to shout,
Causing a little scene.

“Trust me Master it is true,
What you hold inside,
And this planet really needs you,
Or it’s doomed to the dark side”.

What could Master Supremacy do?
He was only a child,
Yet this cow he could see through,
And that was putting it mild.

By Dr Geebers

Check out Master Supremacy Chapter 2

Running down the street
As fast as can be
This is not neat
With people chasing me

Making the wrong turn
What should I do
With no time to burn
As the tention grew

Climbing over a wall
Will I get away
Being on the ball
Living day by day

Then the sirens they come
A Flashing away
“Dam, dam, dam”
Is what I did say

Not a good move
No not at all
With nothing to prove
An no time to stall

With adrenalin pumping
Straight through my vains
Many feet stomping
And the rattling of chains

So I hid in a dustbin
To make my escape
Oh what a sin

So after an hour
I made it back home
Jumped in the shower
All covered in foam

Got rid of my clothes
And jumped into bed
With a little red rose
And a banging head

Kissing my lover
In a passionette way
Under the cover
Where I longed to stay

By Dr Geebers


Complications come and go,
Over many days some people know.
Unless the letters do not shine,
Now there’s a problem for the mind.
That’s countd= own as seconds pass,
Definitely now as the audience gasp.
Only to hear what others have done,
Well Des and Carol its only fun.
Now remember whos to blame,
And that’s wee Susie in the corner of shame.

©2008 By Dr. Geebers.
All Rights Reserved